On the availability of information related to the supply of electricity to the Consumer

The well-known expression “He who owns the information, owns the world” has been and remains relevant to almost all spheres of our life. What about the availability of information related to the supply of electricity to the Consumer in the process of service provision by Suppliers?

Section IX of the Electricity Retail Market Rules describes the consumer’s rights to free access to information that concerns him personally, including information directly related to the fulfillment of contracts concluded by him and commercial settlements with retail market participants, or any other public information related to the supply (distribution, transmission) of electricity to him. Although according to the law the access seems to be free, there are still restrictions, for example, clause 9.6.3 of the Law contains the following. 9.6.3. contains the following information: “3) data on electricity consumption by the consumer shall be provided by the electricity supplier free of charge upon request, provided that the number of requests does not exceed four per year;”.

Over the years of working in the electricity market as a Supplier, we have realized that in the vast majority of cases, the Consumer receives only summary data from his Supplier after the end of the billing month, namely

– consumption volume;
– actual tariff summarized for the entire billing month;
– the cost of distribution and transmission services;
– and, if you’re lucky, the amount of the Supplier’s remuneration.
But is this information enough for a thrifty and thinking Consumer to optimize the cost of purchasing electricity and understand the cost that has been formed?
The team of AKORN TRADING believes that it is not! Therefore, we offer our Consumers something more!

With the first delivered kilowatt, we started thinking about creating a resource that would provide the customer with real-time information on the market price, consumption schedules, tariff components and the cost of consumption. The team of AKORN TRADING sought to provide the Consumer with a convenient tool to maximize the optimization of electricity costs, in the part that depends on the client, and at the same time ensure maximum transparency of tariff formation.
As a result of fruitful work, a Personal Account was created, which is a convenient analytical resource where all the necessary information about the formation and components of the tariff in the context of different time periods (starting from an hour and ending with a calendar year) is presented in both tabular and graphical displays.

Having created ACORN ENERGY DATA PLATFORM, we have not stopped, and we continue to identify the wishes and needs of market participants to further improve the resource and fill it with new tools.
