Вигода від співпраці з постачальником послуг комерційного обліку (ППКО) в Україні
Benefits of working with a commercial metering service provider (CMSP) in Ukraine Introduction Who is this article for: This article will be useful for companies that consume large amounts of electricity, as well as for companies operating in the electricity market in Ukraine. Why this topic is important: CMSP services are an integral part of […]
How to Choose the Right Commercial Metering Service Provider (CMSP): A Guide for Businesses
How to Choose the Right Commercial Metering Service Provider (CMSP): A Guide for Businesses Introduction: Electricity is a crucial resource for any business. Therefore, accurate metering of electricity consumption becomes a key factor in optimizing costs. In this regard, a CMSP (Commercial Metering Service Provider) plays a significant role by providing comprehensive services for commercial […]
Побудова телеметрії для систем керування обмеженнями (СКО ВДЕ)
Building Telemetry for Constraint Management Systems (RMS RES) What is it and why? Restriction Management System (RMS) is a set of technical and software tools used to ensure safe and reliable operation of the power system. The RES Control System is a subsystem of the CCS, which is designed to manage restrictions on electricity generation […]
Increase in electricity tariffs in Ukraine in 2024: reasons and prerequisites
Increase in electricity tariffs in Ukraine in 2024: causes and consequences. Save electricity to reduce costs.
What is PPKO and why is it needed?
What is PPKO and why is it needed? PPKO is an abbreviation for “provider of commercial accounting services“. It is a company that provides electricity consumption accounting services for various commercial enterprises, organizations and other electricity consumers. PPKO are used to improve the efficiency and transparency of electricity accounting. They provide collection, storage and processing […]
Дізнайтеся, як впровадження Автоматизованої Системи Технічного Обліку Електроенергії (АСТОЕ) може революціонізувати ваше виробництво.
ASKOE in Energy: Significance and Benefits in the Context of Commercial Electricity Accounting in Energy
ASKOE in Energy: Learn how the introduction of the Automated Commercial Electricity Metering System is revolutionizing the energy industry.
€400 mln energy support fund will help Ukraine overcome winter – European commissioner
€400 mln energy support fund will help Ukraine overcome winter – European commissioner 19.12.2023 20:53 The Energy Support Fund for Ukraine set up by the European Commission and the EU Energy Community, which has already accumulated 400m euros, will help Ukraine overcome the second consecutive difficult winter under the conditions of Russian aggression. This was […]
Updated power outage schedules for February 17
Прем`єр міністр України Денис Шмигаль зазначив, що, незважаючи на те, що дефіциту електроенергії в системі немає, ремонти енергообладнання розтягнуться на багато місяців. “Слід розуміти, що у цих випадках окремі регіони час від часу повертатимуться до відключень”, – додав глава уряду.